Hafta | Konular | Ön Hazırlık |
1 | Küreşel Yönetişim, Uluslararası Örgüt ve Rejimler: Tarihsel ve Kuramsal Arkaplan 1 | J. P. Muldoon Jr, J.F. Aviel, R. Reitano- E.Sulivan, (eds), The New Dynamics of Multilateralism: Diplomacy, International Organizations and Global governance, Westview Press, 2010, M. Barnett- M. Finnmore, Rules for the World, International Organizations in the Global Politics, Cornell Uni. Press, 2004, V. Rittberger, B. Zangl, A. Kruck, International Organizations, Palgrave, 2011 |
2 | Küreşel Yönetişim, Uluslararası Örgüt ve Rejimler: Tarihsel ve Kuramsal Arkaplan 2 | J. P. Muldoon Jr, J.F. Aviel, R. Reitano- E.Sulivan, (eds), The New Dynamics of Multilateralism: Diplomacy, International Organizations and Global governance, Westview Press, 2010, M. Barnett- M. Finnmore, Rules for the World, International Organizations in the Global Politics, Cornell Uni. Press, 2004, V. Rittberger, B. Zangl, A. Kruck, International Organizations, Palgrave, 2011 |
3 | Uluslararası Küresel Örgüt ve rejimler: BM, ortaklaşa güvenlik ve insan hakları rejimi | T. G. Weiss- S. Daws, The Oxford Handbook on the UN, Oxford Uni. Press, 2009, K. A. Mingst- M. P. Karns, The UN in the 21st Century, westview press, 2011.W. A. Knight- Frazer Egerton, The Routledge Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect, Routledge, 2012. |
4 | Uluslararası Rejimler ve NPT | A.Hasenclever, P. Meyer, V. Rittberger, Theories of International Regimes, Cambridge Uni. 1997. |
5 | Ara Sınav | Ara Sınav okumaları |
6 | Uluslarası Bölgesel Örgütler : Avrupa: NATO-AGİT-AB 1 | T. V. Paul, International Relations Theory and Regional Transformations, Routledge, 2012,Stanley S. Solan, Permanent Alliance, NATO and Transatlantic Bargain from Truman to Obama, Bloomsbury Academic, 2010, R. Taveras, Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations, H. Edsom- JH. Matlary- M. Petersson (eds.), NATO: The Power of Partnership, Palgrave 2011. Brent F Nelsen- A. S. Nelsen, European Union Readings on Theory and Practice of European Integration, Lynne Rienner, 2003, D. |
7 | Uluslarası Bölgesel Örgütler : Avrupa:NATO-AGİT-AB 2 | Stanley S. Solan, Permanent Alliance, NATO and Transatlantic Bargain from Truman to Obama, Bloomsbury Academic, 2010, R. Taveras, Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations, H. Edsom- JH. Matlary- M. Petersson (eds.), NATO: The Power of Partnership, Palgrave 2011. Brent F Nelsen- A. S. Nelsen, European Union Readings on Theory and Practice of European Integration, Lynne Rienner, 2003, D. J. Galbreath, The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Routledge, |
8 | Ara Sınav 1 | |
9 | Uluslararası Bölgesel Örgütler: Orta Doğu-Afrika:Arap Birliği, KİK, Afrika Birliği, ECOWAS | R. Taveras, Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations, Routledge, 2009, S. Bouhamidi, The Role of the LAS: Mediating and Resolving Arab-Arab Conflicts, Verlang, 2011, A. Acharya- A. I. Johnston, Crafting Cooperatio, Routledge, 2009, S. M. Makinda- F. W. Okumu, The African Union: Challenges of globalization, security, and governance, Routledge, 2007. |
10 | Uluslararası Bölgesel Örgütler: Orta Doğu Afrika: Arap Birliği, KİK, , Afrika Birliği, ECOWAS | R. Taveras, Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations, Routledge, 2009, S. Bouhamidi, The Role of the LAS: Mediating and Resolving Arab-Arab Conflicts, Verlang, 2011, A. Acharya- A. I. Johnston, Crafting Cooperatio, Routledge, 2009, S. M. Makinda- F. W. Okumu, The African Union: Challenges of globalization, security, and governance, Routledge, 2007. |
11 | Uluslararası Bölgesel Örgütler: Orta Doğu Afrika: Arap Birliği, KİK, , Afrika Birliği, ECOWAS | R. Taveras, Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations, Routledge, 2009, S. Bouhamidi, The Role of the LAS: Mediating and Resolving Arab-Arab Conflicts, Verlang, 2011, A. Acharya- A. I. Johnston, Crafting Cooperatio, Routledge, 2009, S. M. Makinda- F. W. Okumu, The African Union: Challenges of globalization, security, and governance, Routledge, 2007. |
12 | Ara Sinav | Ara Sınav okumaları |
13 | Uluslararası Bölgesel Örgütler: Amerika: OAS | Monica Herz, Organization of American States: Global Governance away from media, Routledge, 2011, Acharya- A. I. Johnston, Crafting Cooperatio, Routledge, 2009, R. Taveras, Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations, Routledge, 2009 |
14 | Uluslarası Bölgesel Örgütler Asya: ASEAN, ARF, APEC, ŞİÖ | C. B. Roberts, ASEAN Regionalism: Cooperation, Values, Institutions, Routledge, 2013. A. Acharya- A. I. Johnston, Crafting Cooperatio, Routledge, 2009, R. Taveras, Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations, Routledge, 2009 |
15 | Diğerler gruplaşmalar (BRIC, IBSA, Küresel Güney)? Eleştiriler? | Alan S. Alexandroff- A. F. Cooper, Rising States, Rising Instituions: Challanges for Global Governance, Brookings, 2010 |
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